see also the discography section for more !!!

Escape to Sound Eden Part 1CLICK HERE

As you all might have noticed, DJ Wesper uses tracks entitled by catalogue numbers. There is a explanation for this. He began composing loops in the summer of 2006, as he had been inspired by the Berlin club scene and minimal techno that has been played there.

He started with W200, W stands for Wesper and 200 was just a random figure. He has composed various tracks, using this type of consequent catalogue numbering. Later he remixed the early loops, and he gave them a new catalogue number from 500. So, W500 is the remix version of W200. W501 is W201 remixed etc, etc
Note that a lot of early loops are out of use.
In the beginning of 2010, he composed his 100th useful track, W401. And there is more to come :-)